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The Top Five Emily Blunt Feet Tweets

Warner Bros Entertainment at Comic-Con International 2013 - Day 3

To most people, Emily Blunt is best-known for her role in films such as Edge of Tomorrow and Into the Woods.  The 32-year-old actress made her on-screen debut in 2003, and has been rising to the top ever since. However, to a specific population of fans, Blunt is best-known for her feet, which have also made appearances in several of her films.  While many cannot fathom why anyone would be interested in a pair of feet, these feet obsessed fans have found a sense of community by connecting with others through the internet.  On Twitter, these fans have shown no shame in openly discussing Blunt’s feet.  Here are the top five Emily Blunt feet tweets.


In 2011, Emily Blunt starred in the science fiction thriller, The Adjustment Bureau.  Apparently, this fan was more excited about Blunt’s feet making an appearance in the trailer than the actual film itself.


I watched 'Wind Chill' last night. Great little scare-fest. Especially good if you're a fan of Emily Blunt's feet.

— Andy Lunn (@The_Lunn) January 24, 2010

Surprisingly, this tweet didn’t get any favorites or re-tweets from other feet loving Blunt fans.  Hopefully by now; however, the word has been spread, and those who love watching Blunt’s feet on film know exactly where to look to find them.


Can someone please figure out which movie has a scene in which Emily Blunt rubs her feet on a male co-stars face?  This Twitter user needs answers immediately.


@Bang2write Don't forget my feet, bet Emily Blunt would love my feet.

— Dr Katie (@whatKTdoes_now) February 9, 2015

While most feet loving fans are busy tweeting about their favorite celebrity’s feet, this Twitter user decides to give their own feet a bit of a shout out.  According to @SciPhiKat, Emily Bloom would love her feet. However, Bloom has never really expressed any inclination toward feet.


Saw a movie with emily blunt AND rosemarie dewitt. Never wanted to wash so many feet in my life

— Mark Patterson (@markpattersonnn) June 17, 2012

Emily Blunt’s feet have reached an entirely new level if they’ve inspired a fan to want to wash feet.  Apparently, @markpettersonnn was so moved by a film featuring Blunt, that feet washing is the next thing on his agenda.

(Photo by Wil Corpus/WBTV via Getty Images)
