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Paridhi Sharma Phone Number WhatsApp Number Contact Mobile

Paridhi Sharma Phone Number

Paridhi Sharma Phone Number is +91 773306XXXX. New Paridhi Sharma Phone Numbers are given in the table below.

Paridhi Sharma is an Indian television actress known for her notable work in the entertainment industry. With a strong presence on social media platforms, she has gained popularity and a dedicated fan following. Paridhi has amassed a significant following on Instagram, with one million followers, showcasing her widespread appeal and influence.

Her portrayal of Jodha Bai in “Jodha Akbar” gained her immense recognition and praise from the audience. Similarly, her performance as Goddess Vaishno Devi showcased her versatility as an actress. These roles have contributed significantly to her popularity and established her as a talented actress in the Indian television industry. Her skills in dance forms such as Kathak and Bharatanatyam add an extra dimension to her performances, making her stand out from the crowd.

Her dedication and commitment to her craft are evident in the way she immerses herself in each character she portrays, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. In her free time, Paridhi enjoys pursuing various hobbies, including reading, traveling, and exploring new cuisines. With a growing presence on various social media platforms, Paridhi Sharma is poised for a bright future in the entertainment industry, captivating audiences with her talent and winning hearts with her relatable persona.

Old Paridhi Sharma Phone Number+91 773306XXXX
New Paridhi Sharma Phone Number+91 623731XXXX
2nd Paridhi Sharma Phone Number+91 917329XXXX

Paridhi Sharma WhatsApp Number

Paridhi Sharma WhatsApp Number+91 623731XXXX

Paridhi Sharma House Address

Paridhi Sharma House Address Mumbai

Paridhi Sharma Email Id

Paridhi Sharma Email IdNot Available

Paridhi Sharma Social Contacts

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