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Milane Frantz Family, Family Tree

Milane Frantz was born on 1970, January 1st in a Duncan billionaire family with her other siblings. In the early days, she was known as Milane Diane Duncan. She is now 47 years old and takes control of Duncan family Enterprise Products. Fortune was brought down by her father who died in 2015 and bringing down his fortune to their children.

Milane Frantz

The company sells pipeline which is estimated to be more than Fifty Thousand Miles of Natural Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Pipeline. She is also known has an investor who makes a bunch of profits while investing in good deals. Her ideas and dedication also make her one of the powerful women of the current era.

Milane Frantz Parents – Dan Duncan, Jan Ellis

 Dan Duncan

Duncan grew up in a rural place of Shelby County, Texas in 1993. During his childhood, Duncan has to live his grandmother. His father was a farmer, his mother died due to tuberculosis and his brother also passed away from blood poisoning when he was seven years old. Duncan was also in the U.S. Army and fought in Korean War and in 1955 he returned back to his homeland. From Massey Business College, Houston he completed his business studies while he was working at Post Office in the United States. He was married to Jan Ellis after few days of his returning from Korean War.

Dan Duncan, Jan Ellis

In the year of 1957, he was working for midstream Pipeline Company, Wanda Petroleum and left the job at 1968. He then was able to build Enterprise Products Corporation and within the year 1998, the company went public. By the year 2010, his company owned more than 48,700 miles of pipeline both onshore and offshore. There were also more than 200 million barrels of natural gasses and storage capacity of Natural liquid gasses. Within the year 2007, he was awarded Petrochemical Heritage Award for his exquisite work of performance. He died at the age of 77 leaving his prestige inheritance to his children’s.

Milane Frantz Siblings

Randa Williams, Dannine Avara, Scott Duncan

After the death of Dan Duncan, all four children inherited with $3.1 Billion. All this was tax-free and no child has to pay any taxes according to estate tax law.

Randa Williams

Milane Frantz sister

Randa Duncan born in 1962 went to Houston University Law Center and holds a JD. Just after she finished her schooling she started to practice law which was her keen interest. From 1194 to 2001 she was the CEO and President of Enterprise Product Company. With her husband and one child, she lives in Houston.

Dannine Avara

Milane Frantz Sibling

He took birth in 1974 and also a co-founder of Enterprise Product Company. She is married and lives in Huston. As being a Co-founder of the company Dannine and soon became a greater help for the company. After she was inherited her net worth became $5 Billion. There is not much information about her children.

Scott Duncan

Milane Frantz Brother

Scott Duncan was the only male child that was born in 1983. He is an investor and also a co-founder of Enterprise Products. He also shares the same amount of inheritance of $3.1 billion along with his sisters. He is a true businessman and understands well how to make proper decisions. Scotts Net worth is $6.3 Billion.

Milane Frantz Husband and Children

Milane is married to Matthew J Frantz in 2001, July 28th in Harris County, Texas. After marriage, she is living in Huston. They are not having any children so far.

Milane Frantz Net Worth

Milane Duncan Frantz current company Enterprise Product went public and sells pipelines both on-shores and off-shores. Net worth of Milane is $5.5 Billion.
