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Exclusive Interview: PLS&TY chats about his awesome new EP titled "3 Days, 2 Nights" and his endeavo

Released today, PLS&TY have dropped his incredible new EP, titled “3 Days, 2 Nights”. The electronic dance amalgamation really shows PLS&TY’s artistry, bringing something new and unique to the table. With six tracks and two bonus tracks (a VIP version of “Limit” and a stripped version of “Upside”), it has something for everyone – this awesome artist delivers a conceptualised day and night EP that we can’t get enough of. This acts as the official follow-up to his lead single, “Upside“, in collaboration with Ben Samama.

PLS&TY, real name Tommy Leas, is a viral artist in the electronic dance music scene who has already amassed over 100 million streams across platforms – ignoring the fact that he reached over 1 billion streams for his feature in a Hershey’s chocolate television commercial. He continues to be a force to be reckoned with, having gone on to be remixed by Grammy-nominated Morgan Page, Rusko, Cazzette, Bondax, and YehMe2, as well as extensively touring top festivals such as Shaky Beats, Breakaway, Electric Forest, EDC Vegas, and more. After a run of singles over the years, PLS&TY dropped his debut EP, titled “Very Special”, which features global stars including Sean Kingston, Alex Aiono, and Wifisfuneral. He hasn’t released new music in the last two years, instead becoming an early adopter of NFT technology and has gone on to release various NFTs launching projects for the likes of Tony Hawk and Floyd Mayweather. The release of his awesome new EP “3 Days, 2 Nights”, sees the EDM artist return to the music scene and deliver sonically inducing tracks that are suited for everyone, bringing versatility within his artistry,

We had the brilliant opportunity to interview PLS&TY, with him answering a series of questions about his brand new EP “3 Days, 2 Nights”, what it was like to collaborate with Ben Samama, Jocelyn Alice, Lost Boy, and Tudor, and his venture into the NFT world.

Hi there, Tommy, we hope you are having a good day today. So, first things first, can you explain how you came up with the name PLS&TY, as your real name is Tommy Leas, and what made you decide to release music under this name?

PLS&TY derives from my last name, Leas, which rhymes with the word “please,” and the letters “T” and “Y” that are in my first name, Tommy. When “please” was shortened to PLS, the “T” and “Y” were put together, and PLS&TY was created.

Your new EP, “3 Days, 2 Nights”, takes inspiration from day and night motifs. Can you tell us more about the concept behind the EP and how the day-to-night progression influenced the music and visuals?

The “3 Days, 2 Nights” EP on Seeking Blue Records features six cascading singles from March to July, all presenting a new pop-house/dance sound for PLS&TY. Three songs feature lighter piano-house production, playing off of the “3 Days” daytime motif and titling, while two feature darker house production, playing off of the “2 Nights” nighttime motif and titling. The day-to-night concept and EP titling came about organically whilst working on the production of the songs. The productions were created with what felt like a natural counterpart to the toplines/vocals, and I ultimately ended up with songs for every time of day, season, mood, or place.

The EP contains six tracks, can you tell us what made you decide which tracks to include, and why these six tracks were chosen for “3 Days, 2 Nights”?

The tracks selected for “3 Days, 2 Nights” are cohesive in their styles of production, instruments and synthesisers used, and more. The songs are a proper package when the project is listened to from beginning to end – or day to night.

You’ve collaborated with a diverse range of artists on your EP, including Ben Samama, Jocelyn Alice, Lost Boy, and Tudor. How did these collaborations come about, and what unique elements did each artist bring to the project?

Each collaboration came about uniquely. I have personally been a fan of each of these artists for quite some time, and it’s an honour to have them be a part of the ‘3 Days, 2 Nights’ occasion. Ben Samama is a Grammy-nominated songwriter who has featured on previous songs with Meduza, ATB, and more. My first glimpse into Jocelyn Alice’s work was within the Remix world from Sony/Disruptor Records’ inquiry about a PLS&TY Remix for her single titled “I Know”. I stumbled upon Lost Boy on Spotify from his previous collaborations with Deorro and Laidback Luke, and his voice and talent were undeniable.

You have described “3 Days, 2 Nights” as your favourite body of work, to date. What makes this EP stand out for you personally, and how do you feel it showcases your growth as an artist?

As the “3 Days, 2 Nights” project unveils, each song and album cover takes inspiration from the day and night motifs/themes of the EP titling, progressing in the order of the tracklisting from day to night. There is something for everyone here – music for all moods, places, seasons, and times. The project stands on new ground for the direction of PLS&TY’s original music moving forward – born out of a place of freedom to create without bounds or borders, or in an attempt to fit the confines of a particular genre that fans may have previously known PLS&TY for.

Having just dropped the collection of tracks, today, what are your expectations and hopes for this EP? How do you envision it resonating with your fans and new listeners alike?

I’d like for listeners to come ready with fresh ears, vacant of previous PLS&TY genre expectations or stereotypes, and dive in to find at least one song that resonates. There is a tremendous breadth of music that I feel can speak to you in any time of day, season, mood, or place.

In recent years, you have ventured into the NFT space, collaborating with notable figures like Tony Hawk, Floyd Mayweather, and even members of Congress. How did you initially get involved in the NFT world, and how has it influenced your artistic journey?

I originally found my way to NFTs out of admiration for what other musicians like 3LAU and RAC were creating. PLS&TY has always maintained a strong visual counterpart, whether that be tour visuals, album artworks, music videos, or overall brand identity. I see NFTs as the perfect medium to pursue audiovisual endeavours, and another home for the visual accompaniments that have been present since inception.

For people who don’t know or understand NFTs, can you explain what they are and what they mean to you? How do you describe what they are and how do you individually use NFTs?

NFTs are adjacent to physical collector’s items, only digital. They contain both verifiable proof of authenticity from an artist (similar to a proof of authenticity certificate one would receive with an artwork – only digital – and one that is neither impossible to be duplicated nor destroyed), and verifiable proof of ownership for the artist and collector. My current partnership exists with GALA Music, whereby NFT versions of my singles are released, and collectors are able to own 1 of a scarcely limited number of copies of the song and artwork. Moreover, when they collect, they accrue points that can be redeemed for in-real-life experiences. Think airline miles or credit card points, but leagues above. Imagine being a fan of electronic music, collecting an extremely rare song with a pre-set limited number of copies in existence, accruing points (for collecting) which can now be spent on having dinner with your favourite artist that you originally collected the song from… or a backstage experience at this artist’s show. GALA Music enables this. For me, NFTs are helping create lifelong fans, memories, experiences, and a means of a direct relationship / access to my biggest supporters.

Back to your music, it has gained incredible popularity, amassing over 100 million streams across platforms, along with television, radio, and major chart success. Could you share your experience of witnessing such success and its impact on your creative process?

The key component is great music… music that I am proud to share with the world. All of the rest is just a bonus and a blessing.

As an artist who has performed at numerous prestigious festivals, including Shaky Beats, Breakaway, Electric Forest, and EDC Las Vegas, how does the festival atmosphere and energy influence your live performances and the way you connect with your audience?

Live performance energy and atmospheres breathe life into every fibre of my being. It inspires me to continue to create new music, longing for the day that I am back on stage hearing the roars of the audience and lyrics of songs being chanted right back at me.

To wrap things up, what message would you like to share with your dedicated fans who have been eagerly anticipating the release of ‘3 Days, 2 Nights’? Is there anything you’d like to say to express your appreciation for their support and excitement?

TYSM. Without your support, the ‘3 Days, 2 Nights’ project would not exist. I hope to see you all very soon, and in the meantime, Mind Your Manners.

Thank you, PLS&TY, for answering our questions, and we’ll be listening to “3 Days, 2 Nights” all this week. We hope you are having a great release day, today, and you bring that adrenaline-fuelled excitement into having a brilliant weekend.

“3 Days, 2 Nights”, by PLS&TY, is available to download and stream, right now, across all platforms, via Seeking Blue Records Inc. We highly suggest you check out the six-track collection, as well as discover more incredible music from PLS&TY.

Let us know what you make of our interview with PLS&TY and also let us know your thoughts on his brand new EP, titled “3 Days, 2 Nights” on Twitter @CelebMix.
